Today we are releasing our newest publication,
Book of Proverbs Work Study Course: Making Good
Men Better: The Journey from Boy to Man, and Man God”, total 10
pages – for daily use….
The purpose of this study course guide is to guide students,
particularly boys and men, through the study of the Book of Proverbs, all 31
chapters. It is to help students think through the wise sayings, allegories,
riddles, parables, and stories, and to help students apply them to their life.
This course is to increase thinking, logic and reasoning abilities, to support
character development and decision making.
The Book
of Proverbs is in the form of parables, stories, riddles, and
wise sayings. They offer a unique perspective on making decisions, living life,
and how to be successful.
By studying the Book of Proverbs,
particularly for men, there is an opportunity to get insight not only from a
king, not only from a Black king or ruler, but also from the wisest man that
lived and whose knowledge has continued on for thousands of years.
By reading the Book of Proverbs the reader is offered
the possibility of duplicating the best results of a King. The reader will
increase in knowledge wisdom and understanding, make better decisions, learn
how to earn more money, have better relationships with the opposite sex as well
as with people in general, and learn to be successful in living a prosperous
and joyful life. This work study course is a compliment to my first
book, Becoming
a Well Made Man: Building the Temple of Self!
Download your copy