Award winning Film producer, Tariq Nasheed, explains double court win against Taharka Bey of Moorish World TV and how a new precedent was set in the state of Maryland - for online harassment- from the victory. Commentary starts at minute 10 - 33 Tariq Nasheed Also addresses the possibility of a civil suit.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
New Maryland Law Precedent set By Tariq Nasheed Double Courtroom Victory over Taharka Bey of Moorish World TV
Award winning Film producer, Tariq Nasheed, explains double court win against Taharka Bey of Moorish World TV and how a new precedent was set in the state of Maryland - for online harassment- from the victory. Commentary starts at minute 10 - 33 Tariq Nasheed Also addresses the possibility of a civil suit.
Monday, February 12, 2024
Moorish World TV is Guilty of False Advertisement and Must Change It's Name!
Moorish World TV is guilty of false advertising and is using the good name of Moorish Americans to gossip and slander for monetary gain, “clout chasing”, “causing confusion and disruption”, and is manifesting jealousy a manifestation of the lower desires and is of the dark side of the force. His most recent remarks about Minster Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam hiding light from the people, referring to him as a gatekeeper is unwarranted for a man who has so many works!
The YouTube description of Moorish World TV as of 2/12/2024
“Moorish World TV is an online platform that focuses on sharing content related to Moorish history, culture, and spirituality. It aims to educate and inform viewers about the rich heritage and contributions of Moorish people throughout history. The platform may feature interviews, documentaries, lectures, and discussions on various topics related to Moorish identity, sovereignty, law, and social issues. Moorish World TV provides a space for individuals interested in learning more about Moorish history and its impact on contemporary society.
Moorish World Tv is also a online platform that researches and reports to the viewers the improprieties amongst individuals and liberation organizations as well as oppressive people and organizations that perpetuates oppression! This also a Cutting Edge Moorish American Moslem Scholarship, News and Entertainment. The Moorish American Moslem Point of view . Hosted By Grand Sheik Taharka Bey”
Is Taharka Bey (Moorish
World TV) an Imposter Grand Sheik of the Moorish Science Temple of America?
Moorish American Dynasty of Clerics request Clergy documentation and lineage?
Does content on Moorish
World TV live up to the standards of the Moorish Science Temple of America
Divine Constitution and Bylaws?
Takaharka Bey gossips
like a woman an does not represent the manly nature of a Moor or a Moorish American. He is divisive and is contrary to building unity. He uses fundraisers to
pay for lawsuits he files against others who question his status.
The Moorish World TV is
a disgrace to the Moorish Divine and National Movement and should be banned
amongst any all self-respecting Moorish American. He does not represent Noble
Drew Ali in any shape or form. He is a handman or construction owner operator
and is looking for a side income by slandering the good name of upstanding men
and women. He is a 'socalled Moor' with opinionated gossip for the purpose of
entertaining the lower desires of man and mankind.
We question as to who’s
tool Taharka Bey really is? Where does he get his authority from” What is his
background? How was he prepared to be a ‘Grand Sheik”? Where is his temple
located? Who are his temple members?
So called Grand
Sheik Taharka Bey is a gossip, a slandered, and is in violation of the Laws of
the Moorish Science temple of America – specifically:
Divine Constitution and Bylaws – Act 3 & 4
Ø Questionnaire
and Additional Laws - Act 4
Rabbinical Traditions: Competing Scholarship Today and Yesterday
In response to Taharka Bey, host of
“Can Freemasonry Free Us/ can Moorish America or
Nation of Islam's Freemasons Free Us!”
*Most people use a question mark at the end of a sentence when it begins with a question word, like who when when and why - but he's Taharka is unique!
Yes, Freemasonry and or Freemasons have freed enslaved
people in the past. It is a historical fact. It was done in Haiti by Toussaint
Louverture. He freed Haiti from its captors, liberated his people, and
established a new government based on Masonry.
If establishing the first Black Republic, beating Napoleon’s
army, and establishing a government based on masonry is not sufficient enough, for
the so-called “Grand Sheik” Taharka Bey, then you may also consider Simon
Bolivar, who was a Mason and was also liberator, freeing many of the original indigenous
people in South America.
Here are two references for your pleasure!
*Also see the movie by Tariq Nasheed on the Hatian
Revolution called ‘1804: The Hidden History of Haiti”
It one paragraph, I defeated the total argument of “Grand
Sheik” Taharka Bey, who talked for nearly two hours with opinions and perspectives,
who never once quoted the literature brought by Noble Drew Ali. No Koran, no 101s, no Questionnaire, no Divine
Constitution and Bylaws. He shared no perspectives from Noble Drew Ali’s
writings or articles about Masonry- NONE! He shared his opinion
Why should the opinion of “Grand Sheik” Taharka Bey matter – at all?
In addition, lets ask some additional questions. Since
Taharka likes to critique others and not “teach the teachings”, maybe it is
long overdue that he be critiqued?
Question for Taharka Bey, host of
Moorish World TV
Who made you a Grand Sheik of the Moorish
Science temple of America? What is their name? How can they be contacted?
What is your educational background or what
education and training did you go through to become a Grand Sheik in the
Moorish Science Temple of America that prepared you to become lead a Temple.
Can we hear from your temple members about your
good works?
Where does your authority come from?
Who vouches for you and your good works in the
Do you have any publications, books, essays, or
any writings that you have published?
Where is your temple located? Where can we come
to attend meetings in person?
Moorish World TV is guilty of false advertising and is using the good name of Moorish Americans to gossip and slander for monetary gain, “clout chasing”, “causing confusion and disruption”, and is manifesting jealousy a manifestation of the lower desires and is of the dark side of the force. His most recent remarks about Minster Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam hiding light from the people, referring to him as a gatekeeper is unwarranted for a man who has so many works!
So called Grand
Sheik Taharka Bey is a gossip, a slandered, and is in violation of the Laws of
the Moorish Science temple of America – specifically:
Divine Constitution and Bylaws – Act 3 & 4
Ø Questionnaire
and Additional Laws - Act 4
Also see:
Ø Holy
Koran of the MSTA -Chapter 31- 6, 7
Ø Chapter
Chapter 38: 11, 12, 13
Additionally, I am convinced that Taharka Bey does not do his own research and I will tell you how I know. I listed to him for one hour and fifty eight minutes and it was one of the worst scholarly presentations I have ever witnessed in my life. For each point he attempted to make with pictures and book references, all he could provide was his opinion.
He gave no references for the books he showed and never once quoted the teachings of Prophet Noble Drew Ali. He never mentioned the 101s or Koran Questions, never once did he quote the Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America, not the Divine Constitution or Bylaws, he simply gave his opinion. The real question may be- who cares what his opinion is? Why does his opinion matter?
He is an under achiever with no works discussing the works of what real men have accomplished. I view him as one that is struggling with jealousy. He stands on the sideline and provides his opinion. He is no scholar, yet acts more like a 'Court Jester'. His scholarship is absent, he has difficulty reading passages that he himself provides, he talks in circles, and at one point referred to himself and others by saying “we’re the planet people.”
Spending any time at all listening to Moorish World TV is
likely to stunt your mental growth and to cause confusion in your mind. Taking
advice from under achievers who have nor reputable works, no alliances, no
partnerships, no publications, and no physical following …. Why would one do
Moorish World TV is like “the inquirer” or the gossip
column. It's like the Jerry Springer Show hiding in Moorish Garb. Moorish World TV is
worst than Young and the Restless, Days of Our Lives, and All My Children. It’s
worse than Geraldo. Moorish World TV is guilty of false advertising.